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3.强抗干扰型食品危害物快速均相免疫分析新方法研究:国家自然科学基金面上项目.(31371767)2014 - 2017。
4.基于纳米材料标记的食品化学残留物快速检测方法研究:全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项.(201187),2012 - 2015。
5.基于新材料和分子识别的食品中有害因子高通量检测技术研发:国家科技支撑项目子课题.(2012BAK17B109)2012 - 2015/12。
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7.可视化、超灵敏的食品真菌毒素酶免疫纳米传感研究:江苏省自然科学基金.(BK20141108),2014 - 2017。
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1.Ren, H.; Li, G.; Yue, X.; Chen, X.; Zhang, C.; Wang, Z.; Peng, C*., Highly Sensitive Fluorescent Turn-on Lateral Flow Strip for Chlorothalonil Based on an Indicator Displacement Ratiometric Fluorescent Assay.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2023,381, 133414.
2.Tai, S.; Pan, Q.; Chen, X.; Peng, C.*; Zhang, C.; Wang, Z., Selective inhibition toward the enzyme-like activity of 3D porous cerium-doped graphene oxide nanoribbons for highly sensitive and enzyme-free colorimetric detection of pesticides.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2023,378, 133130.
3.Mao, M.; Sun, F.; Wang, J.; Li, X.; Pan, Q.; Peng, C.*; Wang, Z., Delayed delivery of chromogenic substrate to nanozyme amplified aptamer lateral flow assay for acetamiprid.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2023,385, 133720.
4.Mao, M.; Chen, X.; Cai, Y.; Yang, H.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Peng, C.*, Accelerated and signal amplified nanozyme-based lateral flow assay of acetamiprid based on bivalent triple helix aptamer.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2023,378, 133148.
5.Li, M.; Wang, D.; Peng, C.*; Wang, Z., Simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of flavonols in Kaempferia galangal L. and honey by machine learning-based fluorescence sensor array.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2023,378, 133183.
6.Chen, X.; Li, G.; Yue, X.; Peng, C.*; Wang, J., Ratiometric fluorescent detection of carbendazim in foods based on metallic nanoclusters self-assembled nanocomplex.Food Chemistry2023, 424, 136478.
7.Li, X.; Sun, F.; Chang, R.; Xie, Z.; Peng, C.*; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Liu, G., A Versatile Strategy of Designing Gold Nanoparticle–cDNA Nanoprobes in Developing Aptamer-Based Lateral Flow Assay for Small-Molecule Detection.Langmuir2023,39(25), 8690-8697.
8.Mao, M.; Xie, Z.; Ma, P.; Peng, C.*; Wang, Z.; Wei, X.; Liu, G., Design and optimizing gold nanoparticle-cDNA nanoprobes for aptamer-based lateral flow assay: Application to rapid detection of acetamiprid.Biosensors and Bioelectronics2022, 207, 114114.
9.Yue, X.; Pan, Q.; Zhou, J.; Ren, H.; Peng, C*.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, Y.*, A simplified fluorescent lateral flow assay for melamine based on aggregation induced emission of gold nanoclusters.Food Chemistry2022, 385, 132670.
10.Tai, S.; Qian, Z.; Ren, H.; Barimah, A. O.; Peng, C.; Wei, X., Highly selective and sensitive colorimetric detection for glyphosate based on β-CD@DNA-CuNCs enzyme mimics.Analytica Chimica Acta2022, 339992.
11.Li, X.; Qian, Z.; Chang, R.; Peng, C.; Xie, Z.; Wang, Z., Non-thiolated nucleic acid functionalized gold nanoparticle–based aptamer lateral flow assay for rapid detection of kanamycin.Microchimica Acta2022,189(7), 244.
12.Ren, H.-X.; Qian, Z.-J.; Li, M.; Peng, C.-F.*; Wang, Z.-P.; Wei, X.-L.; Xu, J.-G.*, Mesoporous silica-loaded gold nanocluster with enhanced fluorescence and ratiometric fluorescent detection of thiram in foods. Microchimica Acta 2021, 188 (11), 363.
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